Regarding Inappropriate Quote in Yearbook

Statement from Ramapo Indian Hills School District Regarding Inappropriate Quote in Yearbook
Posted on 06/13/2024

An inappropriate comment was unfortunately printed in this year's Indian Hills senior yearbook, causing significant concern within our community. We deeply regret this oversight and assure you that we are taking appropriate measures to address the situation. 

We are conducting a thorough review of our policies and procedures for student publications to ensure such errors do not occur again. Distribution of the remaining yearbooks has been halted, and we are in communication with the yearbook distributor to determine the timeframe for reprinting an updated version.

Additionally, we are consulting with the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey for guidance on how best to support our students. Engaging with the Jewish community will help us understand the impact of this incident and improve our efforts to foster a respectful school environment for all.

I want to underscore that such content is entirely unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We extend our deepest apologies to all students, families, and community members. This incident will not be forgotten or left unaddressed.

Dr. Melissa Quackenbush 

Acting Superintendent of Schools